Yorkshire? Do you live anywhere near where one of my favorites lived?
Gracie Fields? Is she still around?
Granny - she was born in Rochdale which is in La... Laaaaan.... Llllll....
ON THE DARK SIDE of the Pennines LOL!!!!!!!
Yorkshire? Do you live anywhere near where one of my favorites lived?
Gracie Fields? Is she still around?
Granny - she was born in Rochdale which is in La... Laaaaan.... Llllll....
ON THE DARK SIDE of the Pennines LOL!!!!!!!
Its a good idea to find out where they come in - ants usually have 'highways' between home and their destination - try watching and see! If you put any ant killer straight across their trail, they'll all walk through it and pick up the poison on their feet and then take it back into their nest, killing more ants before they even leave.
losing your religion?.
if your belief in a church is lost.
then you shouldn't have to count the cost.
helping drunks, drug addicts, prostitutes
Now that's no way to describe the British general public Grace LOL!! Seriously, Street Pastors (and the various other titles they operate under) do a fantastic job - we have a group in our town too I'm glad that Trev hs found some useful purpose in life - only through the One who is our real purpose! Reading Trev's story and remembering how he behaved at the Apostacurry has helped me understand a bit better why he did what he did
The poem is ok. It expresses his feelings. Is it a recent one or one of his old poems?
losing your religion?.
if your belief in a church is lost.
then you shouldn't have to count the cost.
Flippin eck Grace!
I just read his updated story on his website - was it you who sent the tracts to him? I do pray that he is healed of the sickness which caused him to fantasize to such a terrible extent.
They're as honest as anyone else.
You get a mix of the whole spectrum from totally honest to totally dishonest regardless of any particular named grouping of humanity.
I think the one in 'The Passion of the Christ' is the best -
Just there.
In the background.
Whilst saying nothing...
what are the fundamentals of god?.
the word fundamental is used to imply the idea of "basic understanding" by those who identify with the term "fundamental christian" as a way of describing certain aspects of their approach to god.
this of course is the polar opposite of jehovah's witnesses who are theologically liberal.
First I'll address the personal mudslinging:
And yet he taught that it was ok to break the Jewish laws - the laws which He Himself was supposed to have given?
I thought you said you were a saved Christian on another thread. Is that true? How can you have faith in a Law Breaker if Jesus is a sinner as you accuse him here to be?
Yes I am. My faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour is not in any doubt. You might not like my 'liberal' theological views - but I'll requote that Scripture for you, in your beloved Authorised Version - maybe you'll understand it this time!
Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Now, where did I accuse Jesus of being a sinner?! Perhaps you need to learn some grammar - its all in the question mark at the end. That means I was seeking your viewpoint, through rhetorical questioning - not making a statement of my own personal view! Perhaps if you read the whole section I wrote instead of picking out one sentence and trying to make it personal...
And yet he taught that it was ok to break the Jewish laws - the laws which He Himself was supposed to have given? He taught of an afterlife - of which there was originally no idea in Jewish thought - which is why the fundamentalist Jews, the Saduccees, didn't believe in an afterlife....
Christianity was originally a Jewish sect. When and how did it become ok to break away from their 'roots' and go a completely different direction?
Could it be that 'the light kept getting brighter' during and after the exile, through Jesus' time and then on into the early church?! Those darned liberals introducing all these Greek ideas?!!
Or has the Bible been corrupted by man?
So far, you're only indicating to me that you could possibly have a Masters degree in missing the point.
Now to the other part.
1. Nowhere is Aaron spoken of as a mediator in the bible that I am aware of.
What on earth is a priest supposed to be then? Other than a mediator between God and mankind? Aaron, on behalf of the Israelites offered sacrifices and interceded when they sinned:
Aaron offered the incense and made atonement for them. Hestood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped.
It doesn't matter one jot whether it was Moses who commanded him - he was the only one who was able to operate as high priest - not even Moses as 'exclusive' mediator could do that.
2. God spoke to Moses not to Aaron
Actually, if you really want to get nitpicky about this, God did speak to Aaron too on a few occasions! Numbers 14 for example.
3. Moses commanded Aaron's activities
See comment on point 1. above.
4. And the greatest reason that we know for sure that Moses mediatorship was singular is because God says so here:
Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. Galatians 3: 19
I thought Paul wrote to the Galatians... oooh never mind LOL! In any case, the verse does not prove your statement in any way. It says Moses was a mediator - but it doesn't state he was an exclusive one - the only statement of exclusivity which can be drawn from this verse is that Moses was the one through whom the Law was mediated.
The whole point I'm trying to make here is that both Moses and Aaron can be regarded as mediators in that they both had their own unique roles/calling from God. You might be surprised to hear me say this now, but I actually agree with you that Moses' role as a mediator was the highest of that time and very special in that nobody else could do it (I cite the same, Numbers chapter 12, like you), just as nobody else could have done what Jesus did... an exclusive role for each, yes.
Back to the Roman Catholic catechism - this is what they are saying about Jesus and Mary too. It removes nothing from Jesus' unique mediatorship and clearly states so. However, it does acknowledge that Mary also had her unique role in bringing Jesus into the world (wouldn't we all have been up the creek without a paddle if she'd said "no"?!) and is able to intercede for us, perhaps in a better way than other saints (both living and 'dead') simply because she's Jesus' 'mum'...
I'll stop there cos I need to eat! I hope that you won't just pick out the bits you want to argue about...
... but I'm not holding my breath on that!
what are the fundamentals of god?.
the word fundamental is used to imply the idea of "basic understanding" by those who identify with the term "fundamental christian" as a way of describing certain aspects of their approach to god.
this of course is the polar opposite of jehovah's witnesses who are theologically liberal.
From Numbers 16:
But Moses and Aaron fell facedown and cried out, "O God, God of the spirits of all mankind, will you be angry with the entire assembly when only one man sins?"
Moses exclusive mediator here?
Then Moses said to Aaron, "Take your censer and put incense in it, along with fire from the altar, and hurry to the assembly to make atonement for them. Wrath has come out from the LORD; the plague has started." So Aaron did as Moses said, and ran into the midst of the assembly. The plague had already started among the people, but Aaron offered the incense and made atonement for them. He stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped.
This is the verse you referred to originally. So was Moses the exclusive mediator here - or did he have some assistance from Aaron? You say not - so what exactly was Aaron doing?
I could give you my own answer to this conundrum but I'd rather hear a coherent explanation from you first.
Since Jesus was "God manifest in the flesh" he was the most fundamental teacher of all time. Everything he said was ultra orthodox, authentic, and original since he was the Source.
And yet he taught that it was ok to break the Jewish laws - the laws which He Himself was supposed to have given? He taught of an afterlife - of which there was originally no idea in Jewish thought - which is why the fundamentalist Jews, the Saduccees, didn't believe in an afterlife....
Christianity was originally a Jewish sect. When and how did it become ok to break away from their 'roots' and go a completely different direction?
Could it be that 'the light kept getting brighter' during and after the exile, through Jesus' time and then on into the early church?! Those darned liberals introducing all these Greek ideas?!!
Or has the Bible been corrupted by man?
what are the fundamentals of god?.
the word fundamental is used to imply the idea of "basic understanding" by those who identify with the term "fundamental christian" as a way of describing certain aspects of their approach to god.
this of course is the polar opposite of jehovah's witnesses who are theologically liberal.
I probably should not have mentioned Aaron in that last clause. Sorry if that clouded my point.
So where does Aaron come into the plot then? Why did you mention him? Was he helping Moses to fulfil his exclusive role?
I'm sorry I can't really answer your question properly until you answer mine above.
What did you think of my argument that Jesus was a liberal (possibly bordering on 'apostate'!) of his own time on earth?
what are the fundamentals of god?.
the word fundamental is used to imply the idea of "basic understanding" by those who identify with the term "fundamental christian" as a way of describing certain aspects of their approach to god.
this of course is the polar opposite of jehovah's witnesses who are theologically liberal.
*sigh* where's that 'banging head against brick wall' smiley when you need it?!
I'll re-post what I wrote:
you know this double-talk you speak of Perry?
A short time thereafter when many in the general population again protested Moses' position, another fourteen thousand were consumed with a plague. They would all have died had not
Moses through Aaron, as God's exclusive mediator, "stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed". Please read Numbers Ch. 16. A careful reading will reveal that
Korah, Dathan and Abiram were not so much opposed to Moses and Aaron as they were opposed to the exclusivity of Moses and Aaron:
Which one was theexclusive mediator then? Moses or Aaron?
You seem to have named both of them here - as opposed to previously stating that it was Moses only. Is that plain enough to understand and can I get an answer now please?